FOROPENFORESTS - Conservation of priority forests and forest openings in "Ethnikos Drymos Oitis” and “Oros Kallidromo” of Sterea Ellada
FRAMME - Fire Restoration Methodology for Mediterranean Forests -environmental safety & sustainability of 4 interventions in the Rhodes NATURA 2000 site
LIFE Andros Park - Conservation of priority species and habitats of Andros Island protected area integrating socioeconomic considerations
FRAINETTO WOODS Mnt.ATHOS - Rehabilitation of Coppice Quercus frainetto woods (9280) and Quercus ilex woods (9340) to high forest
INFORM - Building a structured, indicator based knowledge system for sustainable forest policy and management
LIFE CLIMATREE - A novel approach for accounting & monitoring carbon sequestration of tree crops and their potential as carbon sink areas