Προσαρμογή στην κλιματική αλλαγή
A guide to forest-water management
The purpose of A Guide to Forest–Water Management is to improve the global information base on the protective functions of forests for soil and water. It reviews emerging techniques and methodologies, provides guidance and recommendations on how to manage forests for their water ecosystem services, and offers insights into the business and economic cases for managing forests for water ecosystem services. Intact native forests and well-managed planted forests can be a relatively cheap approach to water management while generating multiple co-benefits. Water security is a significant global challenge, but this paper argues that water-centred forests can provide nature-based solutions to ensuring global water resilience.
Προτάσεις προσαρμογής της διαχείρισης στα τέσσερα δασικά οικοσυστήματα του έργου LIFE+AdaptFor
Τα προτεινόμενα από το έργο LIFE+ AdaptFor μέτρα προσαρμογής της δασικής διαχείρισης στοχεύουν στη μείωση της τρωτότητας των δασικών οικοσυστημάτων και στην ενίσχυση της αθνεκτικότητάς τους στην κλιματική αλλαγή. Περαιτέρω, περιλαμβάνουν κατευθύνσεις για την αντιμετώπιση περιστατικών έκτακτης ανάγκης, όπως επιδημίες εντόμων, ξηρασίες κ.ά. Οι περιοχές μελέτης είναι: το Δάσος Ρητίνης-Βρίας στα Πιέρια Όρη, το Δάσος Ασπροποτάμου-Καλαμπάκας, ο Εθνικός Δρυμός Πάρνηθας και ο Ανατολικός Ταΰγετος.
Pro-active Management of Forests to Combat Climate Change Driven Risks: Policies and measures for increasing forest resilience and climate change adaptation. 3 - 4 September 2019, Istanbul. WORKSHOP REPORT
European countries have recently experienced a series of noticeable forest disturbances (several storms in the fall/winter 2017-2018; extended drought in 2018 and 2019 with subsequent bark beetle outbreaks and forest fires). Cumulative evidence proves that climate change is contributing to the increased frequency and intensity of forest disturbances. For traditional crisis management it is becoming increasingly demanding to handle such large-scale events. Moreover, these disturbance trends do not halt at country borders, and therefore ask for increased cooperation across Europe. The challenges from the increased disturbance risks witnessed across the whole continent - amplified by climate change - can only be successfully addressed through increased international and trans-national collaboration and support, capacity building and knowledge transfer, leading to better informed decision-making in the holistic forest disturbance risk management with strong emphasis on prevention and preparedness.
A new role for forests and the forest sector in the EU post-2020 climate targets
EU forests and the forest sector play a significant role in the EU greenhouse gas balance. These forests and their products reduce emissions, enhance sinks, store carbon and provide a continuous stream of ecosystem services, including wood products, energy and biodiversity conservation. The EU has already decided that emissions and removals from Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) are to be included in its 2030 climate policy framework, with a decision on exactly how to do so expected in 2016. This study aims to support EU policy-makers in answering this complex question by: • Determining whether and how to use forests’ sinks and substitution effects as a means to meet the EU’s post-2020 targets, without decreasing the overall level of ambition • Identifying new principles and measures to reap the potential of the forest sector to contribute to climate change mitigation in the EU, in synergy with other regional priorities in the land use sector.