Ερευνητικές δημοσιεύσεις, εκδόσεις, πρακτικά συνεδρίων

Στην ενότητα αυτή καταχωρούνται ερευνητικές δημοσιεύσεις, βιβλία, πρακτικά συνεδρίων, ιστορικά βιβλία σχετικά με τα δάση, παλαιότερες κατευθυντήριες οδηγίες κ.λπ.

Αν γνωρίζετε δημοσιεύσεις, εκδόσεις, πρακτικά συνεδρίων κ.λπ. που αφορούν στα θεματικά πεδία της ΔΠΣΔ, μπορείτε να υποβάλλετε πρόταση καταχώρησης, μέσω της σχετικής ηλεκτρονικής φόρμας. Αν υπάρχει τυποποιημένη μορφή βιβλιογραφικής αναφοράς του τεκμηρίου, είναι σκόπιμο αυτή να προστεθεί στην περιγραφή. Απαραίτητη προϋπόθεση για την υποβολή πρότασης καταχώρησης είναι η εγγραφή στη Διαδικτυακή Πύλη. Οι προτάσεις καταχώρησης αξιολογούνται σύμφωνα με τη Διαδικασία Καταχώρησης Εγγραφών της Πύλης.

Documentation of the workshop "Inform-Prioritize-Collaborate: Cooperation of Regions on Innovation in Forest Management, Use of Wood and Forest-related Services”, 29 January 2016, Brussels.

The workshop aimed at improving cooperation of European regions in innovation in the forest sector. It focussed on practical ideas of tackling forest-related challenges through innovation and cross sectorial collaboration which can be supported by AGRI Operational Groups under the 2014-2020 Rural Development Programmes or by other relevant programmes at European, national or regional level. The event was organized by the ERIAFF Network (European Regions for Innovation in Agriculture, Food and Forestry), the European Forest Institute (EFI), EUROMONTANA (the European Association of Mountain Areas), the Confederation of European Forest Owners (CEPF), EUSTAFOR (the European State Forest Association), COPA-COGECA (European Farmers and Agri-cooperatives) and ERRIN (European Regions for Research and Innovation Network), supported by the regions of Catalunia, East and North Finland, Extremadura, Tuscany and Veneto. It was sponsored by the Bavarian State Forests Enterprise. The Representation of the Free State of Bavaria to the European Union offered the venue.

International Online Conference on The economics of climate change mitigation options in the forest sector: Summary report

This publication contains key messages for the International Conference on the Economics of Climate Change Mitigation Options in the Forest Sector, organized by FAO and held online in February 2015. It summarizes key points from 51 technical presentations and panel and plenary discussions of 6 thematic sessions: afforestation and refrorestation, reduced deforestation and degradation, changing forest management practices, wood energy, green building and sustainable packaging.

Smart Mediterranean Forestry, bioeconomy and social integration

The Mediterranean basin, socially and ecologically diverse, is facing challenges at many levels and notably, high unemployment rates, strong pressures on natural resources and climate change. A sustainable, inclusive bio-based economy can be part of the solution, by creating jobs and reducing the ecological footprint.  Society must look back to nature for replacing non-renewable feedstocks with green solutions and bio-based materials. Knowledge from science and practice must be leveraged to develop nature-based solutions and sustainable value chains, deeply rooted in the community and local environment. Mediterranean forests are rich in goods and services. The challenge is how to best incorporate them into a smart and efficient bioeconomy. Technological breakthroughs, social innovation and increased societal engagement will play a key role in taking advantage of the current momentum. The creation of employment and integration opportunities must be a priority in the Mediterranean, with a special focus on vulnerable sectors of society. The potential and the creativity of the young and rural populations, locals as well as migrants, must be unleashed. Third-sector actors can play a major role along with public and private initiatives. Creativity alone cannot guarantee long-lasting solutions. A supporting policy framework, favourable business environment and societal engagement are needed to facilitate innovation and promote partnerships at multiple levels. The bioeconomy offers an opportunity for a deeper integration of economic, environmental and social objectives. It demands a stronger focus on synergies and multifunctionality. New knowledge and technologies are helping to manage and monitor multifunctional forestry.

Modelling, Valuing and Managing Mediterranean Forest Ecosystems for Non-Timber Goods and Services

Mediterranean forest ecosystems provide multiple non-timber forest products and services which are crucial for the socio-economic development of the rural and urban areas of the Mediterranean region. On one hand, in the Northern Mediterranean sub-region, the socio-economic changes of the last decades, triggered by the urbanization of our society and better living standards, have lead to an increase in the demand of the social and environmental functions of our forests. This had a positive effect in the economic importance of some non-wood products (pine-nuts, mushrooms, aromatic plants, etc) and different forest services (CO2 sequestration, recreation, nature conservation, etc). At the same time, rural areas have experienced a lack of manpower and a decrease in the profitability of traditional forestry, which has lead to land abandonment and accumulation of forest fuels. This had a strong effect in increasing the risk of forest fires in the last decades. On the other hand, in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean sub-regions, non-timber forest products still are relevant primary resources, in particular silvopastoralism, for the subsistence of local economies, while some forest environmental functions (fight against desertification, regulation of the micro-climate, regulating water resources, etc) are key for the sustainable development of these societies. This framework requires new approaches in forest management and planning as well as in forest policy and economics to address the complexity and multifunctionality of the Mediterranean forests. The international scientific seminar “Modelling, valuing and managing Mediterranean forest ecosystems for non-timber goods and services” organized by EFIMED and the Universidad de Valladolid (Forestry School of Palencia) in 26–27 October 2007 brought together Mediterranean scientists from relevant disciplines (forest ecology, forest management, applied economics, operations research, and information technologies, etc.) in order to discuss and present the latest scientific methods and results on modelling, valuing and managing non-timber products and services in different Mediterranean countries.