Natura 2000
The Value of Natura 2000. Future Brief 12
In this report explore the ‘value’ of the Natura 2000 network from three different angles: i. The value of the network to biodiversity protection. How effective is the network in helping to halt the decline of biodiversity? ii. The value of the network in terms of benefits to people. Does the network provide a flow of ecosystem services? iii. The economic value of the network. Economic valuation can be a useful way of making the benefits of ecosystem services explicit, while taking into account the cost of their management. What do economic valuation studies on Natura 2000 sites show?
European Atlas of Forest Tree Species
The European Atlas of Forest Tree Species is the first comprehensive publication of such a unique and essential environmental resource, that is, our trees. Leading scientists and forestry professionals have contributed in the many stages of the production of this atlas, through the collection of ground data on the location of tree species, elaboration of the distribution and suitability maps, production of the photographic material and compilation of the different chapters. The European Atlas of Forest Tree Species is both a scientific publication, in which researchers and forest specialists can find rigorous and up-to-date information on the many tree species of our forests, and a publication suited for education and the dissemination of information about the richness of our forests to our generation and future generations. The European Atlas of Forest Tree Species includes not only the publication you are looking at, but also a dynamic database of information on our trees, their use, their threats, and eventually the changes that climate may bring about in our forests.